How to Provide a Luxury Hair Extension Service!
Apr 24, 2024
As a hair extensions artist, you have decided to offer a luxury service, because of this, everything matters from the moment your clients walks in the door for their appointment. It's not just about the hair, it's about the experience as well! Let's talk about the ways you should be prepared for your clients appointments!
First things first... Preparation is key! Your clients hair should be washed and ready to go, nicely places on the tray BEFORE their appointment! You shouldn't be prepping the hair in front of the clients, this taken away from the experience and also wastes time during the appointment. A little tip - throw away ALL packaging that the hair came in.
Your tray set up should be ready with all your tools nicely placed, your station should be cleaned, this includes hair on the hair and around you, mirror and station is wiped down... Nobody wants to be sitting there for a few hours staring at somebody else's grime!
It is all about the client when they come in. Offering beverages to them, not once but if it's a longer appointment we like to offer a couple times, some clients may be afraid to ask or don't want to be a bother. Saying their name 3 times throughout the service can make them feel more comfortable and your are building like, know and trust when you do this.
There are just a few simple tasks that can help you take a luxury service to the next level! It can make a huge difference in your services and help with client retention! Find ways to stand out from your competitors, when people are willing to pay for luxury service you have to be willing to offer a luxury experience from beginning to end!
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