Top 5 Ways To Grow Your Team
Jan 24, 2024
Do you find yourself struggling to manage your growing business? It is time to find help and grow your team!
I know it can be a daunting task trying to find people you can work with everyday and trust, that is why decided to give these 5 tips that I follow when it comes time to hire!
- Have others "try out" for the job. I know it may seem strange but hear me out. Working together is a commitment and how can you hire if you don't know what skill level they're at!?
- Hire slow. Fire fast. If it's not working, don't force it. It could be working with someone else much easier! They also may thrive somewhere else. So let them fly! *Don't forget a probationary period.
- Set short term and long term goals. This is vital to any business and the key to growth.
- Invest in them! Make sure they know they are supported. Send them to classes. Make sure that their continued education is still happening.
- Communication. This should be number one. It's the heartbeat of the business. Create forms on Jotform, or whatever platform you prefer to use to keep all lines of communication open. This should include weekly check ins, SOP's and the freedom to speak openly.
I understand you want to grow your business and team. I have been burned, and it just comes with the territory of owning your own business and learning where to see red flags.
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