The Advice You Should Give Your Clients For Proper After Care

hair extension academy hair extensions artist tips Dec 06, 2023
Girl brushing her hair extensions

 Dear Hair extension artists,

As experts in the field, you know that the magic doesn't end with the installation; it continues with diligent aftercare. In this guide, let's delve into the essential steps to master the art of guiding your clients through proper aftercare.

To begin, you want to go over all the maintenance, now this may sound overwhelming to your clients at first. But we have learned that small card that has aftercare listed on it has made this process less overwhelming and easier for the client to understand. 

Some things we like to include (this goes for all hair extension methods) will be listed below.


1. Never go to bed with wet hair

2. Low loose braid or ponytail while you sleep

3. Silk pillowcase

Washing and Conditioning

1.  Brush before your wash - beginning from the ends woking your way up

2. Product recommendations

3.  Shampoo with clarifying shampoo at least once a week

4. Moisturizing hair mask once a week

5. NEVER brush your hair when it is wet - wait until it is at least 75% dry


1. Limit heat tools to one - Either choose to only blow dry or air dry and then heat style

2. ALWAYS use a heat protectant 

3. Keep styling tools 350 degrees and below

These are just a few maintenance tips, when talking to your clients about these tips you want to be sure to have the correct answers to the reasons why they need to follow these tips.


As a dedicated hair extension artist, your role extends beyond the salon chair. Equipping your clients with the knowledge and tools for proper aftercare ensures the longevity and vibrancy of their extensions. Remember, you're not just a stylist; you're a guide in their beauty journey. With these aftercare insights, you'll empower your clients to maintain healthy hair!

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