A Day in the Life of a Hair Extension Specialist
Feb 21, 2024
So, you wanna know what it's like to be a hair extension specialist? Well, it's your lucky day because today I am taking behind the scenes of what it looks like to be a master hair extension artist!
In the world of hair extensions, the greatest transformations don't just happen at the blink of an eye. It takes patience, hardwork and dedication from both yourself as a stylist and your clients! If it was easy, everyone would do it. Right!?
I'm giving you full access into my what can be hectic but always amazing life as an educator and hair extension artist. From the moment I meet my clients and listen to their hair goals and hair insecurities, to the moment I transform their hair, you'll see the passion, creativity, and dedication that goes into every single hair transformation that happens at Studio She.
Mornings start with prepping my workstation, making sure I've got everything I need – from day one, I have made it a point for my workstation to be prepped and ready to go BEFORE my clients appointments. This includes the tools neatly laid out and the hair extensions washed and displayed nicely on the tray! After all, your clients are paying for a luxury service, so it's essential to provide it!
When my clients arrive, whether new or an OG they become the main priority. I like to think I do things a little differently and that's why I stand out from my competitors... At Studio She, it becomes more than just a hair extension salon, it's all about the experience we provide. I want my clients to feel welcomed, and comfortable. Like they can kick their shoes off and sit back and relax!
Every client that steps foot in the salon, has a personalized experience when it comes to their hair extensions. Whether it's blending shades, choosing textures, you name it, every client has different hair textures and colors, and different head shapes, so that means personalized experience and install! Attention to detail is key here, gotta make sure every install with benefit your clients for each week leading up to their maintenance appointments.
After that, it's styling and picture time. 99.9% of the time, my clients want their hair styled, but I do have a few that leave with wet hair... Even in the winter! In the past year or so after hiring an apprentice, we have been trying to be on our "A" game with photos. We take before and after photos of each and every client, maintenance or big transformation. Why do we do this? Well a couple of reasons... It can be a CYA (cover your ass), because there are scammers out there! It helps with testimonials., and social proof for your social media pages. Your clients will appreciate the photos to look back on when they say "I feel like my hair is thinner or hasn't grown" and you have these photos from a couple months ago or even years ago to show them how far their hair has come!because, believe it or not there are scammers out there, that will try and get their money back after they walk out the door, it's happened before.
The final touch? Educating them on how to care for their new extensions – you can only do so much in their chair! It is up to your clients to take of everything else the moment they step foot out of the salon. I normally touch on a few maintenance tips during the consult, but I go more in depth in the last minute of their install appointment. I like to have a card on hand to give clients that have steps on how to take care of their extension at home , so they can never say "You didn't tell me". Another CYA!
Did I mention I'm always learning and growing? Even though I have been in this industry for 30+ years and I'm an educator myself... Workshops, new techniques – I'm all about staying on top of my game. And of course, building relationships with my clients is huge. Making them feel amazing and confident – that's what it's all about!
In short, my day is full of creativity, precision, and helping woman feel more confident. It's a journey of transforming hair dreams into reality, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Don’t just be an artist, become a Master!
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