V LIGHT Hair Extensions... They're the New "It" Thing

hair extension academy hair extensions artist May 08, 2024
Vlight hair extensions

So, what all this V light buzz about? Well let's talk about it, because it's completely changing the game in the hair extensions industry.

What exactly is V light? They are a type of hair extensions that is designed to be lightweight, comfortable and put in places regular hair extensions cannot be placed. They are attached by using a special "V-Light" hair extensions glue and "V-Light" UV light. 

Why is V Light so great compared to other hair extensions? The thing about V Light hair extensions is that you can add hair to places normal hair extensions would be visible. For example, I have been able to add more hair around my clients hair line that have either finer hair, are struggling with hair loss or just want longer pieces around there face. 

With the clientele ia hev brought in, they are either struggling with hair loss due to postpartum, Chemo, autoimmune diseases, or they have habits like Trichotillomania. This is 99% of my clientele, I don't have a large booking of women that already have great hair. Sothis V Light has been a huge game changer for my clientele. I have one client that even said it has helped her from "pulling" in her go to spots! Her hair has actually been growing for the first time in years! 

How will it help benefit your own clientele? They have an incredible natural look and feel to them, so even if they are around the hairline, the hair can still be worn up ad still won't be noticeable! They are also incredibly comfortable. Because they are so lightweight, and you are using only strands of hair at a time in places the amount of hair you can add in those places and it not cause any tensions amazing! Like I said, they are truly game changing and incredible. Just when I thought there would never be something like this on the market!

Now, with all these incredible benefits that you are able to give your clients, what do you get it out of it? You will be able to gain higher paying clients AND returning clients! You will stand out compared to your competition, Although this gaining attention and becoming popular... Stylists are comfortable, they are comfortable what they are making, with the clients they have and them methods they offer. Don't let that be you! STAND OUT! You will reach a wider clientele offering more than one method, and offering a method not only women but men to have been wanting for years!

But wait, there's more! We're not just here to introduce you to VLight – we're here to help you master the art of working with these game-changing extensions. Our UV LIGHT HAIR EXTENSIONS MASTERCLASS & NO LIGHT HAIR GRAFTING CLASS will teach you multiple techniques..


You will learn in just one day how to become a master in these new techniques!

Enroll in Studio She Academy today and take your career to the next level.

Learn more at www.studiosheacademy.com

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